This section covers:

Methods for navigating contents and features

Approaches for representing specific actions and inputs

Feedback and visualization details for UI elements

Why it’s important

The way UI navigation and gestures are represented, can greatly influence a users experience with a product.

Here’s an example of how a user got frustrated when the UI navigation was repeatedly triggered accidentally, obtruding the gameplay experience.


When choosing a method, consider the following traits:

  • Immersion – how does the method affect the user’s immersion in the virtual experience?
  • Intuitiveness – how difficult will it be for users to learn this method?
  • Discoverability – how likely will it be for a user to discover this feature, function, or action
  • Usability – how effective is this method for users to achieve their goals

Consider these traits in relation to your targeted users and the complexity of your VR experiences’ features and contents.

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