
Tooltips and Suggestions


Tooltips and Suggestions

A quick and minimal solution for giving users hints or explanations of actions and concepts.

Here are some examples:

Tooltips for controller buttons

recording of AltspaceVR
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Tooltip hint

recorded by Scott Yu-Jan of Tilt Brush

A tooltip graphic connecting the user's controller to the floating UI with the message "point to interact," was used as a hint to prompt users as to how the GUI works.

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Affordances refer to clues that suggest interactions, typically presented by an object, space, or its context. For example, a sturdy wide horizontal platform standing below the waist height of a user would naturally suggest for users to sit on it. A cup with a handle naturally suggests for a user to pick it up by the handle.

This method of onboarding can be the most unobtrusive to the user experience but it is also the most difficult to design, for it requires great precision in execution.

Here are some examples:

Constrained teleportation

A teleportation mechanism that restricts users to specific destinations with a ghosted preview of where you will be after teleportation.

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Volumetric blink + gaze-based teleportation

Similar to regular blink teleportation except now the destination pointer is controlled by your gaze direction and it indicates to you the volume of your play area at the destination, also giving you the option to adjust which direction you will be facing using the trackpad.

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Precision blink + gaze-based teleportation

Similar to regular blink teleportation except now the destination pointer is controlled by your gaze direction and it indicates both where you will be standing and the direction you will be facing.

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Blink + pointer

recorded by Sjin of Vanishing Realms

Basic point and click teleportation with a black blink transition between starting location and the selected destination.

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