X-ray vision

recorded by DPCcars of Audi VR Experience

User's get a cross-section view of objects as they approach a certain distance from the objects.

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Bump to switch controllers

recording of Tilt Brush

Bumping the ends of the controllers together switches the controls from one hand to the other.

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Tooltips for controller buttons

recording of AltspaceVR
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Info underneath the controller

recording of Tilt Brush
The current time and file information displayed in a hidden panel underneath the controller.

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Place controllers here to start

recording of Chocolate

Ghost-like forms of controllers floating in space, naturally guides users to also place their controllers at its location.

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Constrained teleportation

A teleportation mechanism that restricts users to specific destinations with a ghosted preview of where you will be after teleportation.

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Tooltip hover effects

recording of Tilt Brush

Thumbnails with tooltips that appear on point.

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Muffled hearing and blurred vision

When user's peek through objects or into walls, they experience muffled hearing and blurred vision. The goal of these subtle uncomfortable cues is to warn the user to move back out of a virtual obstacle.

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Restricting close interactions

recorded by Google Developers

In a game of poker, when a user leaves the table to interact or steal from the other users, they instantly disappear and see only in black and white until they return to their seat at the table.

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Video panel tutorials

recorded by Scott Yu-Jan of Gravity Sketch

In such a complex 3D software, tutorials are provided in the form of prerecorded video demos in which users can watch while following along.

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Whiteboard Onboarding Instructions

recorded by Scott Yu-Jan of Rick and Morty Virtual Rickality

A whiteboard is continuously refreshed with new onboarding instruction illustrations, as users completed each task.

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Full-body avatar

recorded by Node of Boneworks by Stress Level Zero

These avatar designs guess where the user's body parts are simply based on where their hands and head locations are.

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Buttons and panels

recorded by Road to VR of Oculus Dash

In Oculus Dash, the UI mimics a control panel-like configuration with graphical buttons and floating panels for displaying information.

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Simulated eyes

recorded by Google Developers

Including simple simulated humanistic features, such as eyes that look around and blink, can easily make an avatar a lot more real and easier to connect with in a social context.

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Tooltip hint

recorded by Scott Yu-Jan of Tilt Brush

A tooltip graphic connecting the user's controller to the floating UI with the message "point to interact," was used as a hint to prompt users as to how the GUI works.

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Encouraging friendly interactions

recorded by Google Developers

Using positive feedback to amplify and encourage certain social interactions making them more delightful. View post

Pointer keyboard

A pointer based keyboard.

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Job simulator guide

recorded by EPICO of Job Simulator

A robotic character who guides the user through the VR experience.

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Teleportation zones

recorded by GamerMuscleVideos of Steam VR Home

A flat grid highlight that appears on the floor when users activate the teleportation pointer, indicating where they can and cannot teleport to.

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Force pickup

When a user faces and reaches forward toward a distant object, a highlight stroke appears around the object making it available for the user to pickup from a distance.

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